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Request to attend Channel Bakers
Better Together Summit
from September 20 to 23



I’d like to request approval to attend the Better Together Summit in September.

Channel Bakers is bringing together top leaders in the eCommerce world to share their insights and vision of how eCommerce is changing and how companies like ours need to prepare. I will have the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with these leaders, and with other top brands outside of our industry that are also clients of Channel Bakers. I expect this Summit will help me take our holiday and 2023 planning to an entirely new level.

Attending the Better Together Summit will especially help me with these projects:

• [add project or initiative here]

• [add project or initiative here] Here’s an approximate breakdown of conference costs:

• Airfare: $XXX

• Round-trip transportation between airport and hotel: $30 to $70 Conference registration, hotel and meals all combined: $1500

• Total: $X,XXX


I’ll be sure to share a summary of major takeaways, best practices, and recommendations made by Amazon and other industry leaders.

Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to your reply.



(Insert Name/Signature Here)




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